Sister Patricia McNicholas
H.O.P.E. Honoree 2023

Patricia McNicholas grew up on the South Side of Youngstown, where she was raised as the fourth of six children. After attending Cardinal Mooney High School, she entered the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown at 18-years-old, my education expanding during the obtainment of my BS in Education degree from Youngstown State University, MA in Theology and Religious Education from the Catholic University of America, MS in Administration of Not-for-Profit Organizations from Notre Dame University and Doctor of Ministry from United Theological in Dayton.
However, Patricia’s education and growth has blossomed from my experience with the Youngstown community. Sister Patricia spent the first half of the ministry in education, working as a teacher then as an administrator in the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown’s Religious Education Department. From 1990-1996, she served as General Superior of our order’s community and continues to serve on our leadership team.
Throughout her 60 years in the community, she has been blessed and challenged to grow personally, professionally and spiritually through education, times of prayer, and most significantly, through opportunities to serve others.
Since 1996, Sister Patricia has served at Beatitude House. This position there has given her the opportunity to get to know and be enriched by hundreds of low-income women and children. She has benefited more than she have been able to give, having seen the struggles, trauma, pain and the injustices that come from experiencing poverty, racism, domestic violence and mental illness.
Currently, Sister Patricia serves as Ursuline Sisters Mission’s Donor Relations Director, where she is able to continue to serve in our Beatitude House ministry.