Cook Wins 2018 H.O.P.E Award for Lifetime Achievement
Event Raises nearly $20,000| #ItsAllfortheKIDS | #WineforHope
(Youngstown, OH) The Hope Foundation of the Mahoning Valley is proud to announce that the recipient of their 2018 H.O.P.E. Award for Lifetime Achievement is Kathy Cook, President of St. Joseph Warren Hospital-Mercy Health.
“It is an honor to receive the H.O.P.E. Award from the HOPE Foundation of the Mahoning Valley,” she said. “Lifetime achievement is something that we as a community work toward each day and there is a high alignment personally for me to continue to support the improvement in quality of life for these chronically and terminally ill children. I hope to continue to serve my family, my patients and my community.”
This award was presented to Ms. Cook on April 13 at their annual Wine for Hope event at the Lake Club in Poland for being Honorable. Outstanding. Philanthropic and Excellent. The event is held in order to honor area individuals that contribute so freely of their time and to raise money for chronically and terminally ill children & their families. The event raised a record, nearly $20,000 to forward the mission of the Hope Foundation.
Cook join the ranks of past recipients Raymond Marrow (2017), George Gabriel (2016), Jack Gocala, Sr. (2015) and the late Henry Nemenz (2014).
Her dedication and volunteer work in the community highlights her willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to make the quality of life better in our community. Cook is involved in many community groups, serves as a member of the Executive Committee of Trumbull 100, is on the board of directors for Kent State-Trumbull, Northeast Ohio Adoption Agency and the Warren Education, Cultural and Civic Foundation. In 2016, she won the prestigious Athena Award, which recognizes “Outstanding Professional Women in the Valley.”
The evening was emceed by WKBN 27 First News This Morning Anchor Dan Martin, who made the winning announcement. Other honorees include Simon Arias, Mary Duke, & Dr. Heather Hrina-Medvec.
Mark your calendars for the 2019 Wine for Hope, which is set for April 12, 2019.
The Hope Foundation is grateful for the support of its presenting sponsors American Business Center Inc. and Northeast Behavioral Health, LLC, plus WKBN 27 First News, 33 WYTV, MIX 98.9, Komara Jewelers, Lamar Advertising, and Minuteman Press of Youngstown.
The Hope Foundation of the Mahoning Valley (H.F.M.V.), a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, was founded in 2007 after the increasing success and popularity of the Game of Hope Charity Basketball Classic. Our unpaid staff, volunteers and supporting individuals and organizations are committed to our mission. They provide charitable and financial support to local charities that share our goal of improving the lives of chronically/terminally ill children. With money raised from donations and our signature fundraisers, The Foundation provides grants of up to $5,000. For more information about The Foundation please visit the website at